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A University of East Anglia study shows India’s agricultural land exposure to drought would reduce by 21% if the global warming threshold of 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial temp. is met. This will further reduce economic damage due to riverine flooding…
It is recommended that screening for hypertension commence at 18. Our modern lifestyles, and Indian predisposition to hypertension means that seemingly fit, young people are also carrying the burden of hypertension. Don't wait for symptoms to appear…
If you're unsure about which helmet brand to choose, any brand will suffice as long as it carries the ISI mark to guarantee your child's safety. Even if a helmet manufactured abroad has a stricter criteria than is allowed by Indian regulations, if…
To decrease the number of cars on roads, enhancing public transport and promoting sustainable methods of travel (cycling and walking) must be the top priorities. Countries like Singapore use a 'carrot and stick' approach with car ownership made…
Are you planning to replace your light bulb? Here are some important factors to consider. #EnergyEfficiency #BEE #circulareconomy 
Are you at risk of hypertension? Address your risk factors - this will be your first step of intervention, even if you have been recommended medication. The next step will be to comply with all medical advice. Hypertension is the leading cause of…
The recent International Labour Organization report underscores that #ClimateChange affects workers beyond just heat, causing various physical and mental health issues. Urgent action is needed to embed occupational safety and health into climate…
Checking your blood pressure is simple enough to do regularly. Just bear these points in mind to make sure your readings are accurate. Evidence shows that checking your readings periodically at home in addition to checks at a clinic help keep your…
A poorly fitting helmet is an ineffective device. BIS standard helmets are currently not available in the entire gamut of sizes that might be needed by toddlers. The latest amendment to the Central Motor Vehicles (Second Amendment) Rules 2022,…
Even the most ardent cyclist is likely to think twice before attempting a journey in Chennai's summer heat. More people on private, motorised vehicles means more congestion, more exhaust fumes, and hotter roads. We need to break this vicious cycle…