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World Day of Social Justice 2024


#ClimateCrisis hits #Indian indigenous communities hard, exacerbated by modern lifestyles. They face prejudice, violence & loss of traditional ways. Real social justice involves safeguarding their rights & including them in plans and policies. #NotLeftBehind


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Road Safety - Don't drink and drive


According to WHO, 27% of road injuries are linked to drink-driving. It's not just about the driver – innocent passengers and other road users are at risk too. Don't underestimate the impact! Stay safe on the road, and remember, even low alcohol levels can impair your focus!

#NationalRoadSafetyMonth #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha #DrinkAndDrive

road safety

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Sustainable Transport - Work zone Traffic Management Plan


Chennai's roads are currently in chaos with multiple roadworks ongoing. While traffic planning for motor vehicles is done, cyclists, pedestrians, public transport users, and persons with disabilities are rarely factored in. The Indian Road Congress SP:55-2014 mandates site specific Work zone Traffic Management Plan in collaboration with all relevant agencies. 

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National Safe Food Day 2024


On this National Safe Food Day, we renew our calls for warning labels on processed foods to guide consumers towards healthy food choices. Processed foods are designed for maximising convenience for consumers, and profits for producers. They are not often designed prioritising health and human life. #FoodLabelsSaveLives


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Climate Change - Impact on women employment


India ranked 12th on the risk index that assesses the level of Climate Change threat faced by women employed in agricultural sectors. This calls for decision-makers & investors to target finance & investments to areas where these women are most affected.

climate change

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