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Consumer Guidance Seminar: No Bank Charges

Banks are now charging savings account holders for every transaction including:
- withdrawal of cash from ATMs;
- cash transactions at bank branches - deposit and withdrawal;
- for non-maintenance of minimum balance; 
- change of address or mobile number; 
- SMS alerts; 
- KYC related changes for the bank accounts and levying charges.

Join us to understand why banks are charging depositors and how you as consumers can participate in this campaign against bank charges. CAG, in collaboration with Financial Accountability Network India and Madras Metropolitan Consumer Rights Protection Centre, is organising a seminar on No Bank Charges at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on Thursday, 11 April 2019. 

Speakers are Ms. Priya Dharshini, Centre for Financial accountability (part of Financial Accountability Network) based in Delhi and Mr. Thomas Franco, Retd. Banker. 
Time: 1:30 to 3:30pm

Venue: Central Seminar Hall, Dept. of ECE - Annexure Block
SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam
Landmark: On OMR between Kelambakkam and Thiruporur
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