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Sumana Narayanan interview about solid waste management | Covid -19 | Environmental issue |

Decentralised solid waste management, with clear messaging on how and why different stakeholders should be involved is crucial. Listen to our interview with Samayam Tamil for more.

#SolidWasteManagement #ZeroWaste #COVID19 #MedicalWaste #Plastics #Incineration #Sustainablity 

New FSSAI regulation

CAG’s article about the new transfat regulation highlights the Food Safety and Standards Authority Of India regulation. FSSAI notified the 2019 draft regulation to further reduce transfat levels in oils and fats to be less than 3% by weight effective from January 2021 and to be less than 2% by weight from January 2022. In addition, the oils and fats used to prepare food products should also contain less than 2% transfat levels by weight that is to be effective from January 2022’.

Tamil Nadu: Lockdown Test

CAG wrote to the Minister for Social Welfare, GoTN highlighting the need to ensure food under the Mid Day Meal Scheme continues to reach underpriveliged children even though schools are not functioning in person. Otherwise, considering the impact of the pandemic on livelihoods, children may be pressed to work for daily wages and this will have a huge impact on their education even after schools resume full functioning.

#Lockdown #TamilNadu #COVIDSecondWave #Pandemic #Poverty #JobLoss #StayHome #StaySafe