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CAG's response to the Justice Rajeswaran Committee Report whose objective was to give an opinion on building violations and guidelines for the regularisation that was proposed by the Tamil Nadu government.
Government Order  
A report on various aspects of Indian and international experience with smart cities governance.
CAG hosted a panel discussion to discuss various dangers that policies such as Smart Cities and other ICT initiatives are fraught with. Satyarupa Shekhar writes about discussions on issues of social injustice, privacy, digital divides and lack of…
CAG along with other 54 civil societies across India have given comments to the National Energy Policy of NITI Aayog. This document provides the summary of the comments. 
Consumer International  
Buying a car is huge investment and there are many things to consider before taking the plunge - from performance and running cost, to looks and reliability. But don't forget safety. It's perhaps the most important aspect - a safer car may save your…
Rajya Sabha  
In August 2016, the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2016 was referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture to address the various concerns raised by State governments and other stakeholders. The Committee's…
A report from MoRTH on the status of road accidents in India in 2015.
A report on the inspection of all homeless shelters in Tamil Nadu
A study on the impact of resettlement on continuity od education in Ezhil Nagar and Tsunami Nagar
A study on the impact of resettlement on continuity od education in Ezhil Nagar and Tsunami Nagar