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While #women are overwhelmingly appreciative of the fare free scheme in the state, they would also like for issues around poor time keeping, low frequency & crowding to be addressed. Offering free services which are also excellent in terms of…
No time to waste! Join us on Refuse Single Use Day to Zero Waste Our Future. On Saturday, January 6, take the water bottle challenge by refusing plastic, toxic products and choose reuse. #GoForZeroWaste #IZWM2024  
Erratic monsoons will cause sea level rise & increase extreme weather events. This poses significant challenges for water resource management, agriculture & disaster preparedness in India and other monsoon-dependent regions.
High blood pressure remains one of the key drivers of cardiovascular (CV) deaths in India.  The country accounts for one-fifth of all CV deaths worldwide, with a special predisposition to it among the younger population. The particular causes…
Every road user - be it a pedestrian or cyclist or car driver - has an equal right to the road and a right to safety on the roads. Yet those who take the least amount of space, cause no pollution or congestion, are the most vulnerable on the roads.…
New year, new goals, new dreams. Let’s make 2024 a year of green action and positive change!
CAG’s study found that male passengers labelled women as freeloaders. However, it's essential to acknowledge that women tend to invest their savings in their families. Full report out soon! Follow us to learn more.
As you look ahead to the new year, have you got your resolutions in place? Here are some ideas on where to begin. Follow our pages for more on taking baby steps into sustainable lifestyles.
There is an urgent need for effective conservation strategies in the face of climate hazards like heat waves and extreme temperature fluctuations in order to mitigate sex-specific responses to Climate Change in wild animals. 
The risk of succumbing to a cardiovascular condition is ever increasing in India, with hypertension (High BP) remaining one of the key drivers. Recent studies suggest that the prevalence of hypertension among Indians is at an all time high. While we…