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Planning bus stops for the Indian weather can be difficult. What material should be used so seats do not get too hot? How should the shelter be designed to allow for ventilation while also protecting commuters from showers? For commuters to consider…
Empowering small-scale farmers with adequate knowledge is essential to help them mitigate the effects of #ClimateChange. They require increased social, economic & technological assistance, along with access to high-yield climate-resistant seeds…
It is difficult for children, women, and the elderly to walk to the bus stop at night, especially in low light conditions. By improving street lighting, we can lower crime rates, reduce people's feeling of insecurity, prevent traffic crashes and…
As per a Science Magazine study, rising temperatures increase Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), causing plants to close stomata. This conserves water but reduces CO2 intake, suppressing global photosynthesis & affecting Earth's carbon balance.…
Here's an interesting fact about our #SingaraChennai. Did you know that old Madras-ites could choose to take a tram or ride a ferry to get around the city? These are transportation means that we have lost since. Who will we lose next? If we're not…
The likelihood of volcanic eruptions coinciding with climate-related storms, droughts, floods or other disasters is increasing due to climate change. This makes planning and responding to crises more challenging.
Imagine we had a common mobility card for Chennai and I took a bus and then switched to Metro. How much of the fare I pay will go to MTC and how much to Metro? Since all public transit would be using the common card, all the fares would go to one…
Over the past decade, the polar bear population has declined by approximately 40% due to the diminishing Arctic sea ice. As the ice recedes, polar bears are forced to swim longer distances in search of food, leading to higher exhaustion &…
Depending on our needs, we might need to use a variety of public transport (like buses, Metro, etc,). Each transport operator in Chennai uses different pricing methods. To make travel using different modes seamless and equitable, no matter how far…
A common mobility card is one card you can pay into, which you can then use to travel on buses, trains, metros, or even share autos. It eliminates the need to carry cash for tickets and speeds up the ticketing and transfer processes. The advantages…