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#PlasticPollution is out of control! There is an urgent need for global collaboration and ambitious action to address this threat. #TogetherWeCan #BeatPlasticPollution. Let's unite & demand change for a sustainable future! #INC2 #…
Let us begin by making small changes to the way we move around our neighbourhood on this World Bicycle Day. Let's start riding our bicycles for short-distance trips like running errands, visiting friends, going to the playground, or even going out…
A recent CDC government research suggests that #ClimateChange is creating favourable conditions for fungal growth & spread. There has been a recent surge in Candida Auris, a drug-resistant fungal pathogen that preys on individuals with…
#Cyclones in #India are on the rise because of an increase in the sea-surface temperatures & rising ocean heat content. Previously, it took 2-3 days for a weather system to become a tropical storm, but now it happens in a day due to #…
#Biodiversity is the key indicator of the health of an ecosystem. As per #LivingPlanetReport, there has been a 69% decline in average relative species abundance since 1970. #ActNow to address the interlinked emergencies of #…
As #Rice is a staple food for a significant portion of the world's population, any disruption in its production could have severe consequences for its availability & prices. This poses a threat to global #FoodSecurity. 
As per a PNAS News study, offspring production in bird populations has been declining over the past 50 years. Such a decline will lead to a cascading effect on the entire food chain, as they play a crucial role in pollination, seed dispersal &…
The Indian meteorological department after analysing decades of rainfall data has confirmed that #ClimateChange induced rise in temperature by 1°C has increased the moisture-holding capacity of the atmosphere by 7% leading to alterations…
As per a study by Science Magazine, #FlashDroughts have been getting more intense since the 1950s, now affecting over 74% of the world's 33 regions. Humid tropical areas such as #India are especially prone to these. #ClimateChange. #ActOnClimate
Offering robust, #sustainable, safe #PublicTransport should be viewed as meeting a basic need. If seen as a profit making service, it will skew priorities & compromise on safety, service quality & #accessibility for…