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If #Chennai is to make a shift towards greater #publictransport use, ensuring useful & timely information is available in various modes (online & offline - signages, announcements, etc) & in various languages is crucial.  Updating…
7.4% of total road deaths in India occur near educational institutions. This can be effectively reduced by safe road designs prioritising students who walk and cycle to schools. Calling on TN government to design safer roads for children.
 A 2020 The Lancet study found that 62% of deaths attributed to #ClimateChange were from cardiovascular disease. Hence there is a close link between climate change and cardiac health which is further substantiated by a paper  published in…
The TN government free bus scheme for women on all whiteboard buses left some women confused. Which buses were free? Sometimes, it's challenging to spot a whiteboard bus from afar. Recently all free buses for #women have been painted #pink to help…
Every year our road crash statistics reinforce that 2-wheeler riders are more vulnerable to road fatalities & grievous injuries. It is critical to act immediately & enforce compliance with wearing #helmets among drivers & pillion riders…
Road fatality rates among the elderly are twice that of the young. We need to acknowledge that the elderly also have the right to use roads safely & without fear. This #InternationalDayOfOlderPersons let us call for safer road environments that…
As per a recent report, #Dragonflies are developing shorter wings compared to the body size due to a deficit in monsoons and higher water temperatures because of #ClimateChange.  This affects the fly's dispersal & the ability to predate…
With 1 in 5 young adults (18-39 years old) having high blood pressure in #India, we will be squandering away the wealth of our nation if immediate steps are not taken to check this #epidemic. This World Heart Day, we call again for #warninglabels on…
They food that we throw away could have helped any of the 811 million people that live in hunger. Need more evidence on why food waste is wrong? Greenhouse gases are generated at every stage of food production. But food waste ending in #…
Free public transport, especially for women, empowers, allows for some fiscal savings, and increases mobility & participation in the workforce. But to ensure sustainable, equitable transport for all, Chennai needs to improve its public transport…