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Front of Pack Labels help us to make healthy food choices to keep ourselves and our families away from non-communicable diseases. #FoodlabelsSaveLives #TransFat #FoodSafety #ConsumerRights
Do you think #AI can really help reduce fatalities on our road? Comment your choice: -> YES: AI is a game changer -> NO: No, AI is snake oil, what is needed is better road safety infrastructure 
Not noticing other road users, poor anticipation & response, a tendency to hit the brakes suddenly are all hallmarks of distracted driving that increase chances of a crash. So, put that phone down & focus on driving safely. #StreetsForLife #…
The labels of ultra-processed foods should be clear and easy to understand about their nutritional information, which makes it easier for consumers to know the actual amount of sugar,fat and salt. #FoodlabelsSaveLives #TransFat #…
A study conducted by researchers from Banaras Hindu University shows that #ClimateChange is making children vulnerable to infectious diseases. They found climate parameters accounted for 9-18 per cent of the total infectious disease like respiratory…
We demand healthy food policies to alert consumers on high fat, salt and sugar via Front of Pack Labels (FoPL) in packed foods. #Diabetes #FoodlabelsSaveLives #TransFat #FoodSafety #ConsumerRights
 Only drive when your senses are not impaired. Never drive under the influence of alcohol. Live and let live by making this responsible choice. #StreetsForLife #DontDrinkAndDrive #RoadSafety #SafeRoadsTamilNadu 
DYK, the Delhi High Court cited Article 21(Right to personal liberty) & directed the city government to conduct a 'social disability audit' of all public transport & urban infrastructure. Is your city's public transport & infrastructure…
விழித்திடுங்கள், நுகர்வோரே! Wake up! As consumers, know your rights as defined under the Consumer Protection Act, and fight for what is rightfully yours! #consumerights #theconsumerprotectionact2019 #consumerresponsibilities 
The use of intelligent speed management systems in the stretches of ECR, Chennai has helped reduce speeding concerns. This should be scaled across the city to improve enforcement.  #StreetsForLife #SpeedingKills #RoadSafety #SafeRoadsTamilNadu…