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Did you know? Even mild exposure to formaldehyde found in everyday household products like dishwashing liquids, fabric softeners, glues, paints, medicines & cosmetics can cause severe allergic reactions. #AirPollution #RightToCleanAir #…
The reason behind the current #ClimateEmergency is #GreenhouseGas emissions. From this #IndependenceDay, we need to break free from our heavy dependence on #FossilFuels. Embracing a more #sustainable, #environmentfriendly and inclusive #cleanenergy…
Apart from #poaching, accidental deaths due to animal causes and encroachment, #AsiaticLions in #GirNationalPark, #India also face #conservation issues from the threat of #ClimateChange induced forest fires and natural calamities #WorldLionDay #…
According to IWGIA, unlawful, forceful evictions of #IndigenousPeople in #India from their habitat, exposes them to extreme poverty, destitution and vulnerability to #COVID19 infections. We need immediate intervention by Indian Tribal Affairs so we…
A new study by University of Colorado Boulder suggests; pollution caused by anthropogenic secondary organic aerosols which induces health hazards, should also be regulated along with the usually considered direct and indirect sources #AirPollution #…
As per an article in Sustainable Nature, India accounts for 25% of global deaths due to exposure to PM2.5 pollution caused by cooking with solid fuels & general household consumption by affluent urban households #ClimateInjustice 
With over 5 months left in 2021, we’ve already used up our ecological resources for 2021. We need to stop funding further fossil fuel extraction. Inclusive & sustainable decisions need to be taken to #MoveTheDate & live within #Earth’s means…
According to WWF, there are only 3900 #tigers left on #Earth. Climate change induced sea level rise and forest fires are posing a threat to the already fragmented tiger habitats. Their survival is in our hands. #wildforlife #conservation #SaveTigers…
Fossil fuel exploration has a negative effect on biodiversity & biodiversity loss is having large cascade effects on ecosystem function and productivity. This #WorldNatureConservationDay let us take a pledge to care & protect nature. #…
As per Down to Earth #LivestockFarming is the largest source of #MethaneEmissions in the world contributing to rising #AirPollution levels. Limiting the consumption of animal products is a viable option. #AQI  #RightToBreathe