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Plastics are everywhere - even in us! #plasticpollution is a global crisis that needs everyone's attention.
#India has 22 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world. India's population is exposed to #AirPollution that is four times the maximum recommended level by #WorldHealthOrganization.
Harmful pollutants like #dioxins & #furans that have negative effects on the health of humans & the environment are released while burning trash in incinerators & waste-to-energy plants.
Demand lower speed limits. Sign this petition & share widely: #roadsafety #saferoadsindia #love30 #streetsforlife  
Waste incineration is not a solution to climate change. Call out Asian Development Bank’s green-washing! #BurnNot #NoToWasteIncineration #NoTrashTalkADB #GoForZeroWaste #ACEF2021
Adopting eco-friendly practices like refusing, reducing, reusing, recycling, segregation and composting waste are some of the effective methods to minimise the waste send to dump yards.   #AQI #AirPollution #KnowYourAir 
As per a recent study, #LungDamage caused by #PoorAirQuality over a period of time is much worse than the damage caused by smoking cigarettes. #AQI #AirPollution #ClimateCrisis #RightToCleanAir #KnowYourAir  
Waste incineration compromises public health, especially for nearby communities. Emission "standard" does not guarantee our health and safety. Stop the trash talk Asia Development Bank. #BurnNot #NoToWasteIncineration #NoTrashTalkADB #GoForZeroWaste…
Carry your own bag, your own bottle and box - practise small this World Refill Day. Use and throw is so last season!
Today is World Refill Day. Can you carry your own bottles and jars to the grocery store, instead of buying your supplies in plastic bags? #plasticpollution