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On this National Safe Food Day, we renew our calls for warning labels on processed foods to guide consumers towards healthy food choices. Processed foods are designed for maximising convenience for consumers, and profits for producers. They are not…
India ranked 12th on the risk index that assesses the level of Climate Change threat faced by women employed in agricultural sectors. This calls for decision-makers & investors to target finance & investments to areas where these women are…
Having one or more close family members with high blood pressure before the age of 60 doubles your risk of having hypertension yourself. A family history of high blood pressure is linked to other risk factors for heart disease & stroke such as…
According to WHO, wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of death among drivers & front seat occupants by 45 – 50 per cent. Beyond just a legal requirement, it's a powerful shield that ensures you arrive alive. Let's make every drive a promise to…
When road construction blocks access to building frontages, particularly public structures like railway stations, the redirected path must prioritise #PedestrianSafety. This includes well-maintained surfaces, protection from hazardous construction…
A recent Lancet publication reports on the global burden of cancer, which has soared in recent decades. The study on a UK cohort found evidence that increased #ProcessedFood consumption may be linked to an increased incidence & mortality for…
Are you planning to replace your old air conditioner? Here are some important factors to consider first. #EnergyEfficiency #CircularEconomy #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy 
Recent studies by Local Governments for Sustainability and Ipsos In India aimed at guiding policymakers emphasised the need for public spaces that are child-friendly and accommodate the needs of caregivers and pregnant women. 
Seat belts are designed primarily for adults. They are not designed to contain small children, and when used like this, can actually cause harm. Neither is it safe for a child to be held on an adult's lap. Several crash studies have shown that even…
Timely communication of blocked or diverted routes is crucial. While this is needed for all road users, even motorists, pedestrians are particularly looking for ways to shorten their journeys. Ensuring that information is disseminated well in…