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Summer is here so don't forget to stay hydrated when you go out. But that doesn't mean we buy plastic bottles of water and throw them away! Switch to a metal water bottle and fill it up before heading out. #SustainableConsumer #NoPlasticPollution #…
In 2019, nearly 14% of deaths in road crashes could have been avoided if drivers and passengers had worn seatbelt. Whether its a short ride or a long one, it's time to belt up! #roadsafety #saferoadsindia     
Child restraints are special seat belts for children, designed to keep them safe in the car and are a requirement under the amended Motor Vehicles Act. Let's keep our children safe and use child restraints! #roadsafety #saferoadsindia  
When we cram into an auto, a pothole or bump can cause a precariously seated passenger to fall out or the driver to lose control. Play it safe and don't try to fit in an extra person in an auto.
What is more important - your life or the phone call?
The COVID-19 pandemic had laid bare the growing digital divide in the country and on this World Day of Social Justice let us demand actions for equal economic, political & social opportunities for everyone irrespective of age, gender, race, and…
The law specifies how much can be safely loaded on each type of vehicle. Is saving a little money worth risking peoples' lives? Image  …
Vehicle drivers don't expect people to jump across road medians. Plus when climbing over a media, one can easily trip and fall. All this increasies the risk of a crash.  Image…
Pedestrians have right of way and vehicles must wait till pedestrians have fully crossed before the vehicle moves. Image   Image…
If footpaths are left free then pedestrians wouldn't walk on the road and get in the way of traffic. Safer and easier for everyone! Image…