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The rights and freedoms and duties enshrined in our Constitution should be enjoyed by all. We should all ensure that the voices of the poor, marginalised and voiceless are heard, which makes the democracy vibrant. #NationalConstitutionDay
Annually, 1040 million cubic meter water is used for ash disposal at coal-fired plants and 6,100 lakh cubic metre of water is pumped out from the mines in India which leads to contamination of local water bodies due to heavy metals from fly ash and…
Science and society are integral part of a peaceful and healthy life and greater emphasis should be placed on the need to engage the public in emerging scientific issues. Science has reshaped this world and the recent pandemic highlighted the…
India had updated land restoration target from 21 million ha to 26 million ha by 2030, in the UNCCD #COP-14 in September 2019. 40,000 ha of land is being currently used for coal ash disposal in India and shifting to a cleaner source of energy will…
PLF of coal-fired power plants is going down and coal consumption is rising to meet power generation in India, so is air pollution and health problems due to emission of toxic pollutants. Do we still need more coal-fired power generation when we…
Low cost per unit generation, less GHG emissions and high energy potential makes solar power a clean and environmentally friendly alternative to coal. We have the solutions, let's use them. Image…
  According to the report, 'Coal Kills: Health Impacts of Air Pollution from India’s Coal Power Expansion' by Conservation Action Trust (India) and Urban Emissions (India), the #Coal power generation is the major cause of premature mortality…
Do you know that coal based power comes at great cost? These power plants are fast depleting our underground water resources. #SayNoToCoalMines. Lets conserve our water for better things.    
  Solid Waste Management in Chennai - A Way Forward Venue: C.P.R Convention Centre, No. 1 Eldams Road, Alwarpet, Chennai February 24, 2019 | 3:00 pm - 07:00 pm Apart from deaths and taxes, there is a third certainty in life - garbage or solid…