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When you're overweight, your heart has to work harder to pump blood through your body. This strains your arteries which respond by resisting. This increases your blood pressure, and therefore your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Exercise, and a…
According to WHO, even a 1% rise in mean speed corresponds to a 4% increase in the risk of fatal crashes. Be mindful and always drive below the speed limits.
If road works are taking over pedestrian walkways, pedestrians must not be left in the lurch, and forced to walk into traffic. As part of the planning, ensure uninterrupted pathways for pedestrians. This is crucial to pedestrian safety, as without…
Non-conducive climatic conditions have resulted in delayed maturation of cardamom beans in Idukki. These challenges not only threaten the cardamom sector but also have implications for the livelihoods of the people involved in cardamom farming.
Sedentary behaviour & physical inactivity are among the top modifiable risk factors for hypertension & cardiovascular diseases. This applies to all ages & both sexes. Regular exercise has been found to have a protective function on heart…
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), a certified helmet reduces the risk of fatal injuries in a crash by 42% & head injuries by 69%. Hence, always wear an ISI certified helmet. Stay Alert. Stay Safe. #NationalRoadSafetyMonth #…
Birds play important roles in seed dispersal & pollination. Their loss disrupts these vital processes leading to cascading harmful effects on the ecosystems. We need to ramp up efforts to #ProtectBirds with habitat restoration.
This #NationalPedestrianDay (January 11), take a pledge to drive responsibly, adhering to traffic rules, #roadsafety measures, and actively contributing to the improvement of pedestrian safety. Your actions help create a safer urban environment for…
There is a prevalent false belief that women (at all stages of life) are less affected by hypertension than men. New research indicates that women run a higher risk of #hypertension over the age of 50. Not only does this have to inform health…
The Government of India's data shows speed being the biggest cause for fatalities. Yet we are focussed on increasing speed limits because we are only concerned about cars being able to travel faster without congestion. Shouldn't our lives be of…