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climate change

Climate Change - Decline in bird populations


As per a PNAS News study, offspring production in bird populations has been declining over the past 50 years. Such a decline will lead to a cascading effect on the entire food chain, as they play a crucial role in pollination, seed dispersal & insect control.

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Climate Change - Impact on rainfall patterns across India


The Indian meteorological department after analysing decades of rainfall data has confirmed that #ClimateChange induced rise in temperature by 1°C has increased the moisture-holding capacity of the atmosphere by 7% leading to alterations in the rainfall patterns across #India.

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Climate Change - Flash droughts


As per a study by Science Magazine, #FlashDroughts have been getting more intense since the 1950s, now affecting over 74% of the world's 33 regions. Humid tropical areas such as #India are especially prone to these. #ClimateChange. #ActOnClimate

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World Earth Day 2023


In this era of #ClimateEmergency, we should #InvestInOurPlanet by taking action #Now to protect and preserve it for future generations. We need to embrace #renewable energy & accelerate toward a green and inclusive future.#WorldEarthDay #EarthDay2023

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Climate Change - Age related problems for senior citizens


Elderly people in #India face #ClimateChange related challenges due to limited mobility, chronic health issues & reduced resources. Urgent comprehensive action involving governments, civil societies & the private sector is necessary to address their needs. #ActNow 

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Climate Change - Increase in airplane turbulence


According to a study published by Nature, flights are now witnessing more "head-slamming" turbulence due to #ClimateChange. This is harming aircraft and injuring passengers and crew, inducing extreme anxiety and fear. #ActOnClimate

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Intentionally flawed: planned obsolescence and corporate environmental crime (Part-1)

December 1924 was a significant time during which several prominent light bulb manufacturers, including General Electric, Osram, Philips, and Compagnie des Lampes, engaged in a conspiracy to artificially shorten the lifespan of their products. The usual standard for incandescent light bulbs burning hours was reduced from 2,500 in 1924 to 1,000 by 1940.

Climate Change - Decline in tea cultivation


The impact of #ClimateChange on tea cultivation in #India is evident from the decline in its production from 16.22 million kg in January 2022 to 13.43 million kg in January 2023. We need urgent action to address the challenges faced by the tea industry. #ActNow

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Climate Change - Impact on climate patterns


An Agu Advances study on Ocean Turbulence finds that under water waves could travel thousands of kilometers across the ocean and their impact on ocean mixing is far greater than envisaged. This will have a direct impact on the global climate patterns.

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