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climate change

Climate Change - Rising sea levels


A recent study Nature Communications emphasizes that submarine landslides are significant geohazards capable of triggering tsunamis that can lead to extensive loss of life and infrastructure damage, including damage to subsea cables. #ActOnClimate #ClimateChange 

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Climate Change - Impact on cyclonic storms


According to a paper in Elsevier Connect, the sea surface temperatures over the Arabian Sea have increased by 1.2°C to 1.4°C in the recent decade due to #ClimateChange causing a 52% increase in the frequency of #Cyclones.

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World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2023


Unequal land ownership hinders women's empowerment, perpetuating poverty & gender-based violence. By securing their land rights, we can pave the way for their economic independence, food security & safety. #GenderEquality #LandRights #EmpowerWomen" #HerLandHerRights 

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Climate Change - Impact on earth system boundaries


A recent study by The Earth Commission and Nature study reveals that over 52% of the world's land surface has already witnessed the transgression of two or more earth system boundaries (ESBs), impacting 86% of the global population posing a significant threat to the future of humanity. 

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Climate Change - Threat on fungal infections


A recent CDC government research suggests that #ClimateChange is creating favourable conditions for fungal growth & spread. There has been a recent surge in Candida Auris, a drug-resistant fungal pathogen that preys on individuals with compromised immune systems.

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