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Front of Pack labelling

World Obesity Day 2023


Childhood #Obesity is a serious threat to the health of our children, with India having 14.4 million obese children - the second highest in the world, after China. Our children are consuming too many calories, but not enough nutrition. Childhood obesity paves the way for metabolic syndrome, poor physical health, mental disorders, respiratory problems, & glucose intolerance, all of which will continue into the adult years. Consumption of processed foods is a particular risk factor with sugary beverages, salty chips & all manner of fried foods easily & cheaply available.

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National Safe Food Day 2023


Processed foods, combine fats, sugar and salt, in unique combinations that are not normally found in natural foods. This stimulates our food cravings, causing us to over-indulge in those foods. Scientists are still trying to understand why these foods trigger the brain's desire to want more; but we do know for certain that processed foods are one of the primary drivers behind our current epidemic of non-communicable diseases. This is why we're asking for warning labels in front of processed foods.

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World Diabetes Day 2022


'Cheap calories' from processed foods is one of the drivers of an Indian #diabetes epidemic among children in #India with a 2021 study finding that 12.3% of Indian children (10-19 years)  were found to be either diabetic or pre-diabetic. The disease cuts across socio-economic boundaries with the easy availability of junk foods. Teaching children to stay away from unhealthy foods is not possible without #warninglabels. #WorldDiabetesDay #FoodLabelSavesLives

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World Stroke Day 2022


Today is World Stroke Day -  a day to remember that every year India loses nearly 7 lakh lives to strokes. Warning labels on processed foods (that alert consumers to high levels of salt, sugar and fats) can help stem this loss. #FoodLabelsSaveLives #WorldStrokeDay


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World Food Day 2022


A recent survey by CAG indicated that while nearly all respondents understood the #health impact of consuming processed foods, nearly 66% of people admitted to consuming these foods. It's no wonder then, that these poor food choices are causing as many as 1,573,595 deaths in the country. It is high time that #consumers are warned about the presence of high salt, sugar & fat in #processedfoods. It will give them the power to choose wisely. #WorldFoodDay #EatWell #GlobalGoals

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World Heart Day 2022


With 1 in 5 young adults (18-39 years old) having high blood pressure in #India, we will be squandering away the wealth of our nation if immediate steps are not taken to check this #epidemic. This World Heart Day, we call again for #warninglabels on the front of processed foods. Processed foods are high in fat, and salt - the perfect combination for a hypertensive state. #FoodLabelsSaveLives #UseHeart #WorldHeartDay

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FoPL - Importance of Warning labels


Dr. R. Vadivelu, Cardiologist, Velammal Medical College Hospital, Madurai says, “Salt and sugar are the two white poisons; especially for those with heart disease or at risk of heart disease. Indians adore salt in their dishes. It is a well known fact  that high salt intake causes high blood pressure which then causes increased risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and eye problems. In patients with high blood pressure, a lower salt intake will help control the condition with fewer medications.

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PRESS RELEASE: Non-communicable diseases and the need for Warning Labels on front of processed food products


Modern times have seen the consumption of ultra-processed packaged foods soar to unprecedented levels.  Front of Pack Labelling (FoPL) on processed foods could play a crucial role towards providing healthier food options for consumers,

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