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Share Autos: making our cities more sustainable

Urbanization in India was at a high of 31.16% between 2001 and 2011 (Census of India, 2011). This rapid urbanization is reflected at the local level - Tamil Nadu is one of the most urbanized states with 44% of people living in cities like Chennai (Census of India, 2011). Unfortunately, this has also meant that cities have become very crowded, polluted spaces where everything is at a premium - education, housing, transport, food, water - the list goes on.

Energy Clubs - An Electricity Consumer Cells Initiative

Energy clubs, an initiative of CAG’s Electricity Consumer Cells (ECC), were launched in June 2021, in five schools across three districts in Tamil Nadu - Trichy, Vellore & Tirunelveli. The central objective of the ‘Energy Club’ is to educate, encourage and enable young adults to save energy so that the ongoing energy crisis can be addressed.

Is India’s clean energy transition happening fast enough?

In the battle against climate change, India's pledge at the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26), mainly revolved around phasing down fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy. The five climate-related ambitious goals that were set by India in stipulation to the 2015, Paris agreement, which is also coined “the Panchamrita” basically are; 

A study on street vendors usage, consumption, and awareness of reused cooking oils in Tamil Nadu

CAG has been working towards effective implementation of the trans fat regulations    in Tamil Nadu. Artificially produced trans fats like vanaspati, margarine, bakery shortenings, are harmful as they are major contributors to non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, cancer, etc. Used cooking oil is also an important source of trans fat. Experts say that during repeated frying   , many properties of oil are altered.

National Pedestrians Day campaign at colleges

In the global context, nations are striving to protect pedestrians and treat their needs with the highest priority. In India, cities have mostly been planned to accommodate the needs of vehicular traffic and have often ignored the needs of pedestrians. This has only resulted in causing a steady increase in pedestrian fatalities over the years. The Road Accident Report by the Union Transport Ministry states that the number of pedestrians killed on the road from 2014 to 2018 has increased by 84 per cent.

Tamil Nadu’s Road Safety Policy – A need for policy innovation

Road Safety is an important public health concern with serious social and economic consequences. India continues to account for the highest road crashes at the global level with the World Bank’s 2019 report suggesting 53 crashes happening on an hourly basis with one fatality every four minutes. India accounts for 13 per cent of the total road traffic fatalities in the world according to MoRTH.