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Here is part 2 of our fun series on road rules. Today, learn to turn safely on Indian roads. Safe drivers are the need of the hour; will you be the one?
Here is a quick and fun way to brush up on your knowledge of road rules in India. India needs safe drivers to flatten it's road fatalities curve. Will you be the one?  
An explainer video on the standard operating procedure for installing rooftop solar in residences in Tamil Nadu, based on Solar Policy 2019 and TNERC order on rooftop solar generation.  
Trans fatty acids or trans fat is a type of saturated fatty acid that can either occur naturally or can be manufactured during the process of hydrogenation of vegetable oil. Vegetable oils are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated to turn them into solid fat at room temperature.
Session 1 - Rule of Law and Democracy
Session I: Lending to the energy sector - an overview (funders, structures, their policies, etc); Introduction to energy financing - forms, sources, public vs private, methods of siphoning of public funds
Session-I “Introduction to International Financial Institutions” – Priya Dharshini (CFA) and Soumya Dutta (PAIRVI)
Session I: Introduction -Energy & role of energy in human society
World Environment Day 2018 is being hosted by India with the theme is Beat Plastic Pollution. You can join one of our waste and brand audits or host your own.
Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG) organised Puppet Shows on 02.03.18 at Dhanalakshmi Girls High School, Old Washermanpet,Chennai to create awareness among school children on their rights and responsibilities as Consumers and to demand for safe and sustainable household products.