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climate change

Climate Change - Extinction of Migratory species


Migratory species play a crucial role in maintaining the world's ecosystems by pollinating plants, dispersing seeds & controlling pests. Their extinction could lead to imbalances in the ecosystem triggering #FoodInsecurity & #BiodiversityLoss.

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Harnessing indigenous wisdom for climate resilience: Insights from Indian communities

In the intricate tapestry of India's diverse landscapes, indigenous communities emerge as custodians of an invaluable heritage. Rooted deeply in their natural surroundings, these communities have cultivated profound insights through generations of coexistence with nature. This time-honoured wisdom, passed on by word of mouth across generations, forms a complex web of knowledge encompassing the local environment, weather intricacies and the behaviours of flora and fauna.

Climate Change - Impact on women employment


India ranked 12th on the risk index that assesses the level of Climate Change threat faced by women employed in agricultural sectors. This calls for decision-makers & investors to target finance & investments to areas where these women are most affected.

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Climate Change - Need for public spaces


Recent studies by Local Governments for Sustainability and Ipsos In India aimed at guiding policymakers emphasised the need for public spaces that are child-friendly and accommodate the needs of caregivers and pregnant women. 


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Climate Change - Non-conducive climatic conditions


Non-conducive climatic conditions have resulted in delayed maturation of cardamom beans in Idukki. These challenges not only threaten the cardamom sector but also have implications for the livelihoods of the people involved in cardamom farming.

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Decoding COP 28 - Breaking ground or broken promises?

The scorching sands of Dubai experienced a slight respite as the all-important climate summit that defines the future of our planet came to a close, leaving behind a mixed bag of accomplishments and unmet pledges. Did we witness a watershed moment in the fight against climate change or was it just another hesitant circumnavigation of the emissions crossroads is a question of debate that needs to be delved into. 

Climate Change - Protect birds with habitat restoration


Birds play important roles in seed dispersal & pollination. Their loss disrupts these vital processes leading to cascading harmful effects on the ecosystems. We need to ramp up efforts to #ProtectBirds with habitat restoration.

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Climate Change - Extreme weather events


Erratic monsoons will cause sea level rise & increase extreme weather events. This poses significant challenges for water resource management, agriculture & disaster preparedness in India and other monsoon-dependent regions.

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Climate Change - Need for effective conservation strategies


There is an urgent need for effective conservation strategies in the face of climate hazards like heat waves and extreme temperature fluctuations in order to mitigate sex-specific responses to Climate Change in wild animals. 

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