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climate change

Climate Change - Decrease in oxygen level


University of Adelaide & Utrecht University scientists found in a review of 965 studies that the oxygen level in rivers is decreasing due to higher temperatures. Droughts & heatwaves further worsen salinity & pollutants, causing significant environmental concerns.

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Climate Change - Spike in insects mortality


As per Elsevier study #ClimateChange induced extreme weather events impact insect populations by causing a spike in mortality. This in turn affects the relationships between plants, herbivores, predators & other organisms involved in the food web. 

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Climate Change - Impact on marine ecosystems


A recent Brown University study unveils novel insights into temperature-induced coral bleaching. This paves the way for innovative models and urgent avenues of future research in understanding marine ecosystems.

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Climate Change - Extinction of mammal species


A recent Nature Communications study of the populations of 19 bird & mammal species found that 70% of these populations are susceptible to extinction over the next few decades as the rate of their evolution significantly lags behind the rapid rate of #ClimateChange.

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The maladaptation paradox: unintended consequences of climate solutions

In the grand theatre of Earth's ever-evolving climate drama, the protagonists are undoubtedly the adaptable ones.  They are expected to be chameleons who skillfully adjust their hues to harmonise with the ever-shifting backdrop. As our planet undergoes a dramatic climatic makeover, adaptation is the name of the game, the key to thriving in a world of climate chaos. But what happens if, in our quest for survival, we inadvertently grab the script to a completely different play?

Climate Action Month - July 2023


Article 6 of the UNFCC convention highlights the importance of communicating with the general public and engaging stakeholders about climate change and its effects, to ensure public access to information and to promote public participation in addressing the issue. This report is the summary of our month-long campaign "Climate Action Month", aimed at raising awareness of climate change among school and college students, corporate employees and the general public.

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Climate Change - Impact on cheetahs


According to a University of Washington study, Cheetah populations are especially vulnerable to Climate Change as hotter days are forcing them to behave more nocturnally, putting them at risk of greater competition with other predators such as lions & African wild dogs. 

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Climate Change - Impact on caterpillars


Study by Cambridge University found that caterpillars are vulnerable to the effects of Climate Change, potentially leading to fewer butterflies. This, in turn, could have consequences for both pollination & the bird species that rely on caterpillars as a food source.

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Climate Change - Impact on child health


As per a American Psychological Association & ecoAmerica report, #ClimateChange poses a significant threat to the well-being of children by disrupting the development of their physiological functions, cognitive capacities & emotional aptitudes, which may be irreversible.


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