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climate change

Climate Change - Impact on sandy coastal lines


Over 24% of sandy coasts globally are experiencing persistent net erosion because of #ClimateChange . We need to protect these beaches as they play a vital role in stabilising the land, reducing erosion rates, providing ecosystem services & maintaining biodiversity.

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Climate Change - Impact on human immune system


A groundbreaking study conducted by the Universitetet i Bergen, Norway explores the connection between environmental factors, indoor microbial communities & human health. As we face the challenges of #ClimateChange, comprehending the nuances of our indoor microbiome becomes increasingly crucial.

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Sustainability as a solution for climate change in Chennai and beyond

The effects of climate change know no boundaries, transcending borders and impacting every individual, community and nation. India ranks third among the top 50 nations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Closer to home, this summer, Tamil Nadu witnessed sweltering heat waves, with the vulnerable facing the brunt of it. 

Climate Change - Impact on vulnerable farmers


Empowering small-scale farmers with adequate knowledge is essential to help them mitigate the effects of #ClimateChange. They require increased social, economic & technological assistance, along with access to high-yield climate-resistant seeds. 

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குப்பையில் இருந்து மின்சாரம்: புதிய பேராபத்து

உலகின் பல  நாடுகளிலும் துரத்தி அடிக்கப்பட்ட எரிஉலைகள் இந்தியாவில் தலை தூக்குகின்றன. தமிழ்நாட்டில் மற்றும் 57 எரிஉலைகலைத் தொடங்குவதற்கு அரசு முடிவு செய்துள்ளது. இவையெல்லாம் நம் ஊருக்கு வருவதற்கு முன் நாம் அறியவேண்டியவை என்ன? மக்கள் எதிர்கொள்ளும் பேராபத்துக்கள் என்ன?

Climate Change - Increase in Vapor Pressure Deficit


As per a Science Magazine study, rising temperatures increase Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), causing plants to close stomata. This conserves water but reduces CO2 intake, suppressing global photosynthesis & affecting Earth's carbon balance. 

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Impact assessment report on climate change curriculum

This Impact Assessment Report highlights how the pilot phase of 'FOCUS' - the climate change curriculum textbook developed by CAG - was introduced in select schools in Chennai. It measures project outcomes, analysing positive shifts in both students and teachers. The report provides concrete evidence of heightened student awareness, engagement, and empowerment, as well as innovative teaching methods and renewed enthusiasm among educators.

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Climate Change - Likelihood of volcanic erruptions


The likelihood of volcanic eruptions coinciding with climate-related storms, droughts, floods or other disasters is increasing due to climate change. This makes planning and responding to crises more challenging.

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