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Sustainable Transport - Common mobility card


A common mobility card is one card you can pay into, which you can then use to travel on buses, trains, metros, or even share autos. It eliminates the need to carry cash for tickets and speeds up the ticketing and transfer processes. The advantages of a common mobility card include its ability to forecast transportation needs and better understand consumer behaviour. Several countries around the world have their own versions of it. In India, the National Common Mobility Card is an effort at this.

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Earth Overshoot Day 2023


#EarthOvershootDay represents that day in the calendar beyond which we live on borrowed resources. While as families we work hard to leave something of human value for our children, why are we stripping earth of resources that were meant for them?

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Climate Change: Impact in milk production


Climate change has negative repercussions on animal welfare. The "Stress Lab" research study finds that apart from adversely affecting lactation performance, immune function & calf health, heat stress leads to a 35% reduction in milk production in cows.

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Impact on rising sea levels


Rising sea levels and increased saltwater intrusion will impact our transport infrastructure by damaging our bridges, railway lines, and roadways. Climate-proofing our infrastructure by using heat resistant and corrosion-resistant materials, building raised bridge decks, elevating transit stations, putting in place nature-based protection like mangroves and wetlands, to name a few, is crucial.

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