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Did you know that there are different types of meters available? Read on to learn about the different types of meters and their features. 
A recent project helped me gain a brief insight on the climate crisis that communities around us are facing. Until then, like most others, I was partly oblivious and in denial about this serious issue engulfing our earth. The more research I did, the more perturbed I got.
Reading nutritional facts on labels is important - read on to understand the basics of a nutrition labels.
Electric water pumps are an essential equipment in most of the households and farm lands.  There are several pump types and brands available in the market and the customer should consider some important aspects before buying a pump.
Have you checked the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR Value) of your mobile phone? Read on to learn more about SAR Value, its impacts, the manner in which it is checked and how to reduce its impacts.
Covid 19 has been an upheaval of epic proportions in recent memory. It has impacted people's lives to an extent that no one would have imagined.
Water tanker lorry is a noticeable vehicle all around Chennai throughout the year. If anyone has been to Chennai it wouldn’t be so tough for them to spot the lorries roaming in the city leaking water all over the road.
Domestic consumers are major consumers of electricity followed by industrial category. To promote energy efficiency and energy conservation, this calculator will help consumers to save electricity through behavioural changes and economical measures.
In 2015, Government of India set an ambitious target of 175 GW of Renewable Energy (RE) capacity to be achieved by 2022.
Rooftop solar is gaining popularity and in order to be efficient, rooftop solar requires maintenance at regular intervals. The article will explain the impact of dust collection on solar panels and best practices in maintaining solar panels.