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In the contemporary era of digitalisation, consumers are flooded with promotional content across various platforms. Whether pursuing social media, viewing televised content, or just running errands, consumers are incessantly exposed to brands through their marketing content.

Hypertension is a condition where the pressure in the blood vessels becomes too high. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 1.28 billion adults, world-wide, have hypertension. Several studies point to a significant increase in the incidence of hypertension in children, which is all the more concerning.  

  1. மசாலாவில் எதிலீன் ஆக்ஸைடு மாசு; குழந்தைகள் உணவில்  சர்க்கரை சேர்ப்பு; உணவில் அளவுக்கு மீறிய பூச்சிக்கொல்லிகளின் எச்சம்; காய்கறி மற்றும் பழங்களில் செயற்கை சாயம்;
  2. ரசாயனங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தி பழங்களைப் பழுக்க வைத்தல்; பால், நெய், தானியம், மசாலா, மஞ்சள் மற்றும் மிளகாய் தூள்  போன்ற அநேக உணவு பொருட்களில் கலப்படம்; மாறிவிட்ட உணவு கலாச்சாரம், உப்பு, சர்க்கரை, கொழுப்பு அதிகமுள்ள அதி பதப்படுத்தப்பட்ட (ultra-processed), பொட்டலப்படுத்தப்பட்ட (packaged) உணவுகளின் பெருக்கம்;

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities IBM

The last two decades have seen a huge transition in our eating habits with processed foods and aerated drinks becoming routine parts of our diet, and a proliferation of these in the marketplace.

The Tamil Nadu State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (TNSCDRC), on 8th November, 2023 ordered the Madras Institute of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Hospital (MIOT) Hospital, to pay a compensation of rupees 20,00,000 to complainant Shanthi Kalai Arasan, towards medical negligence.  Over the eight years,  Shanti has been fighting for justice, in the wake of her husband Kailai Arasan's death. 

Hypertension, a non-communicable disease (NCD), rightly termed as a ‘silent killer’, is a leading cause of serious health conditions like kidney disease, heart disease and stroke, when left untreated.

November 14, World Diabetes Day, provides an opportunity to raise awareness on the metabolic disorder as a global public health issue. The focus of the campaign in 2023 is on delaying or preventing type 2 diabetes and diabetes related complications, with the slogan being “Know your risk, Know your response.”

So, do you know your risk in terms of what you’re consuming?

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 is the primary document of reference concerning any and all cases related to consumer disputes and conflicts. The Act describes a consumer as  anyone who buys goods or avails services for a consideration (ie, a price). The Act also describes who is not a consumer, even though there has been a transaction, as anyone  who buys goods or avails services for further commercial use or profit making purposes.

More than a decade ago, I was living in the nation’s capital. Navigating New Delhi’s traffic, dredging up my high school Hindi and coping with work and managing my own place was quite a juggling feat. In the middle of this, I got a call from my landlord gently chiding me for not paying the previous month’s rent. But I distinctly remembered writing the cheque and depositing it and so couldn’t fathom what had gone wrong.