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public transport

The role of sustainable transport in pro-poor mobility

In the ever-expanding urban landscapes of today's world, the pressing issues of congestion, pollution, and accessibility continue to disproportionately affect the most vulnerable segments of society—the poor. As cities grow and sprawl, traditional approaches to transportation planning have often favoured motorised vehicles, exacerbating inequalities and hindering mobility for those with limited resources. However, amidst these challenges lies a beacon of hope: sustainable modes of transport.

Sustainable Transport - Fair Fares: Better access; fewer barriers


Access to fresh air is crucial for both genders. CAG's study found that women are now using the free bus service for leisure activities. This boosts women's mental well-being and fosters positive family relationships. Full report out soon! Follow us to learn more.

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Sustainable Transport - Fair Fares: Savings from the free bus scheme


CAG’s study on Tamil Nadu’s fare free bus for women scheme found that women saved, on average, Rs 601 to Rs 800 per month. They used this money for their family -on household needs, education, and healthcare. Full report out soon! Follow us to learn more.

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Sustainable Transport - Accessibility of Chennai metro rail


An accessible public transportation system ensures that  everyone, irrespective of age or disability, can seamlessly and independently navigate the transportation network. Unnecessary impediments not only cause inconvenience to commuters but may also deter people from utilising public transport altogether.

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Safe cities engender independent children 

Let’s take a moment to revisit our past, understand our present and look into our future. During my school days, until about 5th standard, my parents used to walk me to school. Gradually, my parents gained confidence in my traffic navigation abilities and let me cycle to school with a few friends from my neighbourhood. My normal routine after school involved playing in the local streets with my friends till dusk and getting back home when the street lights went on. After a certain age, I was independently mobile with the help of my cycle.

Road Infrastructure 101: How not to build a liveable, sustainable city

On Twitter I came across someone lamenting a recently announced plan to build more flyovers in some Indian city (it matters not which city as this is a common phenomenon across the country). The tweet pointed out that increasing road infrastructure for private vehicles only encourages more private vehicles and it's a zero sum game. Of course, Twitter being what it is, someone immediately took umbrage, accusing the person of wanting to deny economically/socially disadvantaged people from climbing up the ladder and having access to their own personal vehicle.