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public transport

Accessing Public Transport Information in Chennai

A study on how commuters in Chennai are accessing public transit information. Accurate, easy to access information on routes, fares, service and frequency of public transport services is key to promoting public transport. How does Chennai fare in this?

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Free bus for women: a hit or miss?

In May 2021, the Tamil Nadu government launched a scheme that made public city and town buses (with certain caveats) free for women. While the rides are completely free (with no restrictions on the number of trips per day or month), the scheme is applicable only on ‘white board’ buses. The white board buses are what are known as Ordinary Bus Routes and represent the most inexpensive category of service that halts at all bus stops on a given route.

Reading between the lines: why listening to what commuters aren’t saying is important

It is a truth universally acknowledged that public transit in Chennai is fragmented, poor in service quality, and dying a slow death in the last two decades. Certainly the patronage numbers would support this with modal share dropping over the last few decades, concomitant with an increase in the modal share of private vehicles. 

Sustainable Transport - Public Transport Survey


Are you a public transport user in Chennai? Do you have any suggestions, grievances or complaints on the public transport you use? Take the Government of India's #Transport4all citizen feedback survey now


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