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Workshop on Energy Finance

Investment in infrastructure plays a critical role in ensuring a country’s development. It is perceived that growth in infrastructure will establish a better economy and create a more equitable world. This, however, has led to a significantly greater demand on natural resources for energy, water, and food. These infrastructure projects, which have been the main cause for rapid urbanization, have also been implicated in reports of increasing environmental damage and weakening human rights.

Current News - Volume III, Issue 7, July 2018


  • A Note on Standby Power Losses.
  • Traditional agricultural pumps can be replaced with 8K MW of Solar Power.
  • Rs. 8000 Crore Solar Scheme may help Indian firms boost Manufacturing.
  • Consumer Focus - Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum Case (CGRF)
  • ECC Voice - Change of Tariff (ECC Success Story) (Tamil).

Plus Publications/Cases:
Solar Irrigation Pumps and India's Energy Irrigation Nexus, July 2018.


Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ISEER): An overview

The Government of India established the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in 2002, under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. One of the objectives of BEE was to reduce energy intensity within the Indian economy and to promote the use of energy efficient equipments and devices.

Commitment of Indian Pharmaceutical Companies Today to their Primary Calling of Curing Diseases - A Study

The commercialized global pharmaceutical industry today

Indian pharmaceutical companies are becoming unduly profit-centered in the not-for-profit mission of developing vital medical cures and distributing life-saving medicines for all. There had been exposés of deep-rooted corruption in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, extremely high-prices of branded drugs with large fluctuations of prices between company brands has resulted in drugs becoming unaffordable by the Indian majority. 

Current News - Volume III, Issue 6, June 2018


  • How to Choose the Right Adapter for Mobile Phones.
  • Chennai Capable of Creating 1.380 GW Solar Power: Study. 
  • 24 Degree as Default AC Temperature: Centre's Proposal to Save Energy  
  • Consumer Focus - Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum Case (CGRF)
  • ECC Voice - Details on New Electricity Service Connection  (Tamil).

Plus Publications/Cases:
Scaling Rooftop Solar: Powering India's Renewable Energy Transition with Household's and DISCOMs, June 2018.
