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Climate Change - Increase in airplane turbulence


According to a study published by Nature, flights are now witnessing more "head-slamming" turbulence due to #ClimateChange. This is harming aircraft and injuring passengers and crew, inducing extreme anxiety and fear. #ActOnClimate

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - Chennai's privatization of busses


Recently, Chennai decided to privatise operations and maintenance of MTC buses under the gross cost contract model. One major plus point of public transport is that the system must function even if there is only one passenger. The danger of private services skipping a stop or a route because of poor financial viability is high. How can this be resolved?

road safety

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Current News: Volume VIII, Issue 3, March 2023


  • Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings (Part-2) 
  • Role of electricity in the lives of Indian women & girls (Part-1)
  • TN’s power demand touches all-time high
  • 10.4% growth in energy consumption Y-o-Y from April, 2022 to February, 2023: Union Power & NRE Minister Shri R. K. Singh
  • S.African lenders say power cuts detrimental for small, medium industry
  • Consumer Focus - Electricity Ombudsman Order 

Plus Publications/Regulations:


World Health Day 2023


#Hypertension remains one of the most important causes of death and disability associated with heart diseases in India. Nearly half (45.9%) of all Indians over the age of 45 are hypertensive (ie, their blood pressure is too high). Have you checked yours recently? Check it. Control it. #WorldHealthDay


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Climate Change - Decline in tea cultivation


The impact of #ClimateChange on tea cultivation in #India is evident from the decline in its production from 16.22 million kg in January 2022 to 13.43 million kg in January 2023. We need urgent action to address the challenges faced by the tea industry. #ActNow

climate change

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Energy Saving Tips - Place your fan at right distance


Even small and seemingly insignificant choices can help you save energy and cut down on your electricity bills. Here is one of those small choices that will go a long way.

#Electricity #EnergyEffiency #TANGEDCO


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Sustainable Transport: Gross contract model for Chennai


#Chennai plans to embark on a journey to privatise city buses. Several other cities in #India have already experimented with #privatisation with varying levels of success. Do you think this gross contract model will work for Chennai?

#PublicTransport #RethinkMobility

road safety

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Climate Change - Impact on climate patterns


An Agu Advances study on Ocean Turbulence finds that under water waves could travel thousands of kilometers across the ocean and their impact on ocean mixing is far greater than envisaged. This will have a direct impact on the global climate patterns.

climate change

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Energy Saving Tips - Clean your fan regularly


Even small and seemingly insignificant choices can help you save energy and cut down on your electricity bills. Here is one of those small choices that will go a long way.

#Electricity #EnergyEffiency #TANGEDCO


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