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Sustainable Transport - MTC announces private busses


In March 2023, #MTC announced that private players would be brought in to handle bus operations & that MTC would be buying 500 buses this year. While the extra buses will certainly make a difference to a struggling fleet, this move also needs a nuanced debate as to how the specifics of this partnership will be laid out and how it is likely to impact the public. Follow this series for more information on this. 

#Chennai #Accessibility #PrivateTransport #PublicTransport #SustainableMobility 

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Building a robust discussion on sustainable mobility in Salem and Tirunelveli | Media Workshop

India has seen sundry changes in its 75 years of independence. The country and her many states have experienced economic growth at an unprecedented rate, as small towns turned into large, vibrant, and bustling cities. Tamil Nadu is no exception to this pattern, being the country's most industrialized and urbanized large state, boasting many accolades to its name. But most Indian states, Tamil Nadu included, have not been proactive with the handling of their road infrastructure.

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Climate change - Increase in heart attacks


A study published in EHJ, found that a 10 µg/m3 increase in ground-level #ozone concentration was associated with a 0.4% increase in hospital stroke admission and a 0.75% rise in heart attacks. This underscores the urgent need for stronger #ClimateAction to reduce emissions #ActNow

climate change

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Energy Saving Tips - Switch to BLDC fans


Even small and seemingly insignificant choices can help you save energy and cut down on your electricity bills. Here is one of those small choices that will go a long way.

#Electricity #EnergyEffiency #TANGEDCO



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Energy Club - Vijayanta Higher Secondary School, Avadi, Chennai

Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG) in association with Vijayanta Higher Secondary School, Avadi has initiated an Energy Club to be run at their school, starting in  February 2023. The inaugural session  (also the first session of the club) was held on 17th February 2023.

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Road Safety - Letter to MoRTH


#Speeding caused the maximum road crash fatalities in #India in the past decade. On the occasion of the #NationalSafetyWeek (March 4 to 10), #RoadSafetyNetwork requests Minister, Road Transport and Highways #MoRTH, India to reduce speed limits thereby reducing fatality numbers considerably. The Network also asked that the #NationalRoadSafetyBoard is urgently set up and made functional.

road safety

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Global Recycling Day 2023


Have you been led to believe that #recycling is just for #plastics? Think again. There are so many household things we should never be throwing away to end up in the #landfill (see image). As for plastics, recycling will not help use end the #PlasticPollution crisis. For this, we need to stop plastics at the stage of production itself. Bottom line: Produce responsibly. Shop less. #GlobalRecyclingDay

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CAG's Electricity Chatbot for consumers


Have you got questions about #electricity related concerns? Service, supply, billing...maybe something else? Our chatbot can answer the most frequently asked questions. Check it out today. #ConsumerAwareness


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Climate Change - Compromise on fibre-optic cables


As per Nature Reviews Earth & Environment research, the flow of digital info through fiber-optic cables lining the sea floor could be compromised by #ClimateChange. This could cause huge damage to govts & banks whose operations rely on safe & secure flow of digital info. 

climate change

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