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Climate Change - Impact on reproductive health


A study by Pauline Mendola, Public Health and Health Professions & Sandie Ha, UC Merced finds that problems associated with #ClimateChange contribute to an increased risk of gestational complications, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, gestational diabetes & in some cases pregnancy loss & preterm birth.

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - MTC concessions for senior citizens


Rewarding senior citizens for their contributions to the economy and society is the befitting response for their hard work in their younger years. India provides several concessions to honour them including tax deductions and welfare schemes. One such scheme is that senior citizens living inside the #Chennai city limits can travel for free. Do you know of any senior citizens using this scheme?

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Road Safety - Separate footpaths near schools


Wide, accessible footpaths are safe zones that separate pedestrians from the moving traffic. Lack of such fundamental infrastructure/poorly laid footpaths near schools hinder the safe movement of children & their need for a shared public space.

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Climate Change - Expectations from COP27


This #COP27, we expect from the global leaders, serious intent on #ClimateAction with the main focus being on immediate #EmissionsReduction targets, scaled-up #Mitigation & #Adaptation efforts, & the much-needed #ClimateFinance to the #GlobalSouth. #TogetherForImplementation 

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Rethinking our streets


Use these resources as talking tools to promote and commit to sustainable streets. Streets facilitate movement, provide access to various facilities and also act as great public spaces - but only if they are designed for it. The recent increase in private motor vehicles and the decrease in the usage of public transportation have made our streets dangerous for large swathes of the public. These resources will help people and policy makers re-imagine our streetscape.

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Climate Change - Impact on migratory birds


As per World Migratory Bird Day, increasing temperatures, changing vegetation & extreme weather conditions due to #ClimateChange cause significant changes in birds’ essential habitats leading to the decline of bird populations & changes in migration patterns. #ActOnClimate 

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Road Safety - Chennai Traffic Police releases roadEase mobile app


Taking note of the frustration caused to commuters due to sudden road closures, the Greater Chennai Traffic Police will now update #traffic disruptions in the newly created roadEase app. This will then be reflected in Google Maps.

More here:

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Road Safety - Barricade information on roads


Road signs should provide valuable information to drivers including #warnings about changes in road layouts, road obstructions & speed/direction instructions. The first image illustrates how the barricade offers no such information for the driver & when used like this, could actually worsen #RoadSafety.

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World Cities Day 2022


More than half of the world's population live in cities & towns with the number growing every day. These changes are happening as the #climatecrisis, rising costs & slowing down economies, all loom over us. #Sustainable urbanisation is now more important than ever. While a whole city going sustainable might seem a daunting task, there are small local changes that #governments can make to create national & global ripples. #WorldCitiesDay

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