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Diwali 2022


As we gear up for the festival of lights, let it remain just that. Traditional diyas, green gifts & floral rangolis can go a long way towards keeping the festive days clean & #sustainable. Let's breathe safe & clean this #Deepavali! #SmokeFreeDiwali #Diwali2022 #GreenDiwali

climate change

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Sustainable Transport - MTC concessions for Transgenders


Did you know that since June 21, 2021 trans men and trans women can avail free travel on all MTC whiteboard buses? This scheme helps in cutting down their daily expenses, aids to remove social boundaries and provides some form of recognition to these communities that otherwise face multiple layers of oppression.

road safety

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Road Safety - Helmets and Seatbelts Non-compliance


Non-compliance with wearing safety gear (helmets & seatbelts) remains worryingly high, reveals an assessment conducted by CAG in 3 districts in #TamilNadu. #Helmets & #seatbelts remain the first line of defence against life changing injuries & fatality in the event of a road crash. It is high time the government mandates the increased penalties as per #MVAA2019 to encourage compliance.

#RoadSafety #RoadAccidents #SaferRoadsTamilNadu #StreetsForAll 

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World Food Day 2022


A recent survey by CAG indicated that while nearly all respondents understood the #health impact of consuming processed foods, nearly 66% of people admitted to consuming these foods. It's no wonder then, that these poor food choices are causing as many as 1,573,595 deaths in the country. It is high time that #consumers are warned about the presence of high salt, sugar & fat in #processedfoods. It will give them the power to choose wisely. #WorldFoodDay #EatWell #GlobalGoals

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Brand Audit 2022


The Plastic Brand Audit is a yearly initiative to gather data on the top polluting companies (and this year, this global citizen-science project celebrates its 5th birthday!). Last month, our team of dedicated volunteers cleaned up a stretch of the Kasimedu Beach, Chennai. The plastic waste they found was sorted and analysed to find out which company is putting out the most plastic. Our findings about who we found to be the top polluters, will soon be published. #breakfreefromplastic #brandaudit2022

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Climate Change - Impact on summer and droughts


A recent study by World WX Attribution attributes increases in #heatwaves & #droughts to #ClimateChange leading to extreme summer dryness that ravages crops, cripples river commerce & strains hydropower generation, especially in the northern hemisphere.

climate change

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An analysis of the e-com complaints received by CAG during 2021-22

Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), for the last 37 years, has been offering a free and voluntary consumer protection service. Consumers can write in or call with their grievances, which could be against services or goods bought by them. They will receive advice and support throughout the redressal process. 

Incinerators are dirtier than coal


#India has a target of raising the non-fossil fuel based energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030. Policies & financial institutions that support #Waste To #Energy #incinerators need to remember that #plastic is #fossilfuels. Burning (plastic) waste as a source of energy not only slows down our #sustainableenergy aspirations, it actively worsens our emission target contributions. And of course, the plastic production will continue unabated, as now, it can all just be burnt. We lose on all fronts.

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